Ease Senior Finance Issues with These Tips

 April 21, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

senior finance - elder care in syracuse ny

Senior finance conversations can lead to a variety of arguments, heightened emotions, and misunderstandings. And for many of today’s seniors, who maintain a “Depression mentality” from years of saving for a rainy day and learning to “waste not, want not,” it can be hard for them to share access to finances with adult children, and to accept the need to spend some of those finances on caregiving needs. 

Talking with an aging parent about finances is most effective when started before the need arises, understanding it may take several conversations before an agreement can be reached. These conversation starters can help: 

  • “Dad, in time, we’re going to need to make some decisions about the future. Now might be a good time to sit down together and go over your wishes and the financial side of making sure we can abide by those wishes.” 
  • “Mom, I know you’re managing your finances just fine now, but what if something were to happen to your health that prevented you from paying your bills on time? It would be good to have a backup plan in place. Let’s sit down and come up with one.” 
  • “Mom and Dad, you’ve always been so good at managing your finances and providing for us while we were growing up. We want to be sure to continue that legacy, and to understand how best to help you both meet your financial obligations if the time comes that you need some assistance with that.” 

It can also be helpful to share real-life scenarios of a friend or neighbor who was victimized by identity theft, or a story from the news about the changing economy, stock market drops, changes to tax laws, etc. This can jumpstart a discussion about your aging parents’ own retirement plans and any financial fears for the future, allowing you to come to a mutually agreeable resolution, such as talking with a financial advisor together.   

Most importantly, be sure to maintain a sense of respect, never attempting to “take over” your parents’ finances, but to provide the reassurance and peace of mind that their financial matters will continue to be managed effectively. Ask your parents for advice and include them in the decision-making process. Daniel Lash, certified financial planner at VLP Financial Advisors, suggests, “Tell them what you’re thinking about doing so you give them the power to tell you what they think you should do. It’s like they’re giving you advice because that’s what parents are good at – giving advice.” 

At Home Independent Living, the top providers of home care in Syracuse, NY and the surrounding areas, offers a free in-home consultation to help older adults and the families who love them understand their options for care, and to help mediate difficult conversations such as those related to senior finance concerns. Contact us at (315) 579-HOME (4663for assistance.  

Dementia Care Tip: Discover the Benefits of Journaling

 April 14, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

dementia care - camillus home care

Providing dementia care is a fluid, ever-evolving process. One day can be calm and peaceful, with your loved one enjoying activities, eating healthy meals, and sharing laughter with you; while the next day may be fraught with agitation, anxiety, and sullenness. What will today bring? 


How to Better Manage Senior Medicine to Avoid Complications

 April 7, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

senior medicine - home care and independent living

A recent study of over 2,000 seniors reveals that an astounding 87% take at least one prescription drug, and a full 36% are taking five or more – in addition to 38% using over-the-counter meds on a regular basis. Managing senior medicine can be extremely challenging, and there are a number of risks and dangers that can arise in the process.  


How to Manage Incontinence in Dementia Patients

 March 19, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille


Dementia care involves both compassion and creativity to deal with a number of complicated behaviors and effects, and that is particularly true when dealing with incontinence in dementia patients, something that is exceedingly frequent with the disease. These tried-and-true approaches can be effective in decreasing the impact of incontinence and reducing an escalation of emotions in someone you love with Alzheimer’s. (more…)

Our Companion Caregivers Provide Tips for Managing 5 Tough Family Caregiving Emotions

 March 12, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille


If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed in your role as caregiver, take heart; you’re in good company. Providing companion care services at home for aging parents is probably one of the most complex roles we can hold: highly gratifying on the one hand, while simultaneously frustrating and ever-evolving, frequently leading to feelings of doubt about whether we are up to the challenge and providing the most beneficial care. (more…)

New Cancer Treatment Looks Promising for All Cancer Types

 March 5, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille


We are already aware of how amazing our body’s immune system is in fighting invading bacteria and viruses and restoring us to health following an ailment. Even so, the most current discoveries from a report by Cardiff University are positioned to generate an innovative and unanticipated development: stopping cancer in its tracks. (more…)

Alzheimer’s Agitation: 5 Steps to a Calmer Environment

 February 19, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

Alzheimer’s Agitation

Agitation is among the more difficult symptoms of Alzheimer’s, and it may be incredibly hard for family members to control. One of the keys is in taking steps to deal with agitation before it is felt and conveyed by the senior loved one, which involves keeping track of what has caused these feelings in the past, and creating a home environment in which those stimulants are removed or minimized. These strategies can help: (more…)

Dementia and Vision Misperceptions: Tips for Caregivers

 February 12, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

Dementia and Vision

The intricate steps needed to enable us to see are mind-boggling. Within the blink of an eye, our brains are able to take transmitted specifics of the world all around us, translate that information based on input from other senses, memories, and thoughts, and then form an understanding of that information to make us aware of what we are seeing. (more…)

Keys to a Successful Family Meeting to Discuss Senior Care

 February 5, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

Discuss Senior Care

“It takes a village” was never a more accurate statement than when caring for a senior family member. It’s essential for that “village” to maintain effective, ongoing communication so that you can provide the best care and ensure that everyone taking part in care is on the same page. It is also crucial for family caregivers to have the opportunity to express concerns and to come together to find resolutions, to talk about different perspectives, and also to remain proactive in preparing for the future. (more…)

The Dangers of Dehydration in Seniors and How to Help

 January 17, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

dehydration in seniors - senior care syracuse ny

Did you realize…approximately one half of all seniors are chronically under-hydrated, as reported by a recent research study conducted at UCLA? Not only that, but older adults over age 65 represent the highest group of hospital admissions as a consequence of dehydration.
