December 21, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Even though the yuletide season is usually thought of as a time that is joyous, filled with visiting with those who are nearest and dearest and picking out the perfect gifts, for older adults, it can be anything but merry and bright. A combination of lost loved ones, memories of holidays from the past, health struggles and more can impact seniors with feelings of lonesomeness and sadness. (more…)

 December 11, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

The holiday season is laden with parties, celebrations, and get-togethers. However, for an aging loved one, holiday activities require a little additional planning and preparation. Follow these holiday tips for Syracuse seniors from At Home Independent Living to be able to ensure fun and relaxed outings with family members of all ages this holiday season. (more…)

 November 6, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

While we may envision a Norman Rockwell-worthy Thanksgiving celebration, with the whole family enjoying quality time together and Grandma’s traditional feast, the reality for many families includes something unexpected: a trip to the hospital. In fact, statistics show that E/R visits for the elderly jump an astounding 10% – 20% during the holidays. (more…)

 March 8, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Dorothy had it right when she said, “There’s no place like home,” and 90 percent of seniors agree, according to AARP. The vast majority of older adults prefer to age in place in their own homes as opposed to moving to a nursing home or assisted living facility. But as increased care is needed, how can senior independence be maintained at home? (more…)

 November 24, 2015 by Dean Bellefeuille

Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she takes in. Sounds simple, but it’s a very serious problem, and dehydration in older adults can be particularly dangerous. Because the mechanisms that regulate thirst, sweat, and heat change as we age, the way we regulate our fluid intake needs to change as well. “It’s a very complicated pattern. Regulation of salt and water gets to be a bit abnormal as we grow older and we don’t perceive thirst as well,” says Dr. David R. Thomas of the Division of Geriatric Medicine at St. Louis University School of Medicine. (more…)

 November 14, 2014 by Dean Bellefeuille

Type 2 diabetes affects one in four Americans who are 65 or older, according to an article in Everyday Health. At Home Independent Living in Syracuse is committed to ensuring the long-term health of our clients, and we believe that education for clients and family members about potential risk factors is an important part of this education. This is just one of many reasons why At Home Independent Living is one of the top rated home care companies in Syracuse, New York. (more…)

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