March 20, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

Let’s face it: many of us put off going to the doctor’s office. It can be uncomfortable at best, and downright frightening when something’s wrong and we’re facing the prospect of an unwanted diagnosis. Yet we know it’s wise to do what’s best for our health and to be diligent about obtaining necessary medical care. (more…)

 January 16, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

With over 325 million people residing in the U.S. alone, it’s hard to imagine that senior loneliness could be so widespread. Yet over 50% of seniors live alone, and over a million of them are likely to be chronically lonely. In reality, roughly 50% of seniors researched stated that their main source of companionship is the television. (more…)

 January 8, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille

A simple Google search for the word “aging” produces topics such as “coping with aging,” “what you can do about aging,” as well as “the cure to aging.” The pessimistic connotations to growing older are, sadly, so deep-rooted in our culture that it is expected that by 2021, we will be spending over $300 billion in anti-aging merchandise. (more…)

 December 21, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Even though the yuletide season is usually thought of as a time that is joyous, filled with visiting with those who are nearest and dearest and picking out the perfect gifts, for older adults, it can be anything but merry and bright. A combination of lost loved ones, memories of holidays from the past, health struggles and more can impact seniors with feelings of lonesomeness and sadness. (more…)

 December 11, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

The holiday season is laden with parties, celebrations, and get-togethers. However, for an aging loved one, holiday activities require a little additional planning and preparation. Follow these holiday tips for Syracuse seniors from At Home Independent Living to be able to ensure fun and relaxed outings with family members of all ages this holiday season. (more…)

 November 15, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Ah, the holidays: they’re either the most wonderful time of the year, or the most difficult. For many older adults who have lost loved ones, are battling chronic health conditions, or are experiencing isolation and loneliness, the holidays can trigger depression. And, the family caregivers who care for a senior loved one are also susceptible to holiday blues, due to the overabundance of stress. (more…)

 November 12, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Falls among the elderly are all too common and can have dire consequences. Taking preventative measures is key, such as assessing the home for fall risks like throw rugs and other tripping hazards, insufficient lighting, and a lack of appropriate grab bars and railings. But there’s another tactic being recommended now: creating a fall plan of care, which, when implemented properly, is being shown to reduce fall-related hospital visits by as much as 40%. (more…)

 November 6, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

While we may envision a Norman Rockwell-worthy Thanksgiving celebration, with the whole family enjoying quality time together and Grandma’s traditional feast, the reality for many families includes something unexpected: a trip to the hospital. In fact, statistics show that E/R visits for the elderly jump an astounding 10% – 20% during the holidays. (more…)

 August 23, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille

Urinary incontinence can be an embarrassing issue for those who are impacted by it. The preconception behind the disorder frequently leads to patients having either a lack of facts or trusting in some common misbeliefs about incontinence. The Bridgeport home health experts from At Home Independent Living provide some commonly held incontinence myths and the truth behind each: (more…)