July 19, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

A new study sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association is uncovering some surprising results in Latinos with dementia. While further investigation is needed to completely understand whether these differences are the outcome of social/cultural nuances or perhaps the dementia itself, it’s valuable information for Latino families to learn.


 May 13, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

One of the first things many people want to know when a loved one is diagnosed with dementia is what the dementia progression stages will look like. We know that the unmistakable sign of dementia is the increasing decline in cognitive abilities as well as the skills needed to take care of everyday life. However, each individual progresses through these changes at a different pace. There are a variety of factors  that may affect the rate of decline, such as:


 March 11, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

Finding activities which are fun and engaging for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s disease tends to be a challenge. Add in vision impairment, and it could seem overwhelming. Nevertheless, for individuals managing low vision and Alzheimer’s, it is vitally important to make certain each day holds possibilities for purpose, joy, and meaning – decreasing the level of frustration, agitation, and other challenging emotions and behaviors in dementia.


 February 23, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

With a great deal of negative news in the forefront of 2020, it is worth reflecting on a few of the remarkable achievements the year brought – including the advancements in dementia research. Katie McDonough, director of programs and services at the Alzheimer’s Association, shares, “There are many things that we’re learning and it’s an exciting time for Alzheimer’s research.”


 January 15, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille

Primary caregivers for those with Alzheimer’s disease are often all too experienced with the difficulty of trying to take a quiet moment or two alone – to use the bathroom, get a brief shower, or even walk into another room without your loved one becoming anxious. Those diagnosed with dementia can experience increased fear when a member of their family is out of sight – a condition known as dementia shadowing. And the resulting behaviors can be extremely challenging to manage: crying, anger and meanness, or continuously asking where you are. (more…)

 December 22, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss

Memories are the glue that bind together our past experiences with who we are today; and for someone with dementia, confusion around these memories can have a profound impact. One of our goals in caring for seniors with dementia is to help them hold onto and share memories in order to make sense of daily life. (more…)

 December 17, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

In spite of its reputation for being a season of joy, for some seniors, the holidays are a time of profound sadness. Longing for holidays past, grief over the loss of loved ones, and aging-related changes to health can intensify during the holiday season, and it’s important to take steps to prevent the downward spiral into depression in older adults. (more…)

 December 9, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

Think of the most perfect holiday season you can imagine. While that image may vary a bit for each of us, it might include gifts, lights, good food, and traditions passed down through the generations. Yet what most certainly rings true for all of us is the joy in spending the holidays with seniors and other family members we love. (more…)

 November 5, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille

You completely forgot about the doctor’s appointment scheduled for last Wednesday, misplaced your glasses for the umpteenth time, and can’t recall the name of your new neighbor for the life of you. Is all of this just a normal part of growing older, or could it be the start of Alzheimer’s disease or another type of dementia? (more…)