October 19, 2022 by Dean Bellefeuille
Remember during the height of the pandemic, when social distancing was the norm and we had to settle for virtual visits? One of the most fundamental aspects of being a human – physical touch – was put aside in order to protect all of us from harm. (more…)
May 24, 2021 by Dean Bellefeuille
On a hot summer day, there is nothing more satisfying than a tall, cold drink, but for someone displaying signs of dysphagia, this simple pleasure can be dangerous. Dysphagia – or trouble with swallowing – affects millions of older adults, because of weakened mouth and/or throat muscles. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, MS and stroke are all causes as well.
December 17, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille
In spite of its reputation for being a season of joy, for some seniors, the holidays are a time of profound sadness. Longing for holidays past, grief over the loss of loved ones, and aging-related changes to health can intensify during the holiday season, and it’s important to take steps to prevent the downward spiral into depression in older adults. (more…)
November 12, 2020 by Dean Bellefeuille
Family caregivers give so much of themselves to care for their loved ones, often sacrificing their own needs and desires in the process. It seems natural to assume then that caregivers would feel good about themselves, with high self-esteem and sense of purpose. (more…)
June 13, 2019 by Dean Bellefeuille
On any particular day, a doctor likely has approximately 20 patients to see – combined with phone calls, paperwork, and other administrative duties. That leaves very little time to spend with each patient, which explains why it is imperative to capitalize on that time and be sure you clearly comprehend the results of medical appointments for seniors. (more…)
August 8, 2018 by Dean Bellefeuille
At Home Independent Living, providers of elder care Syracuse, NY families trust, understands that Incontinence, or problems with bladder control, is an uncomfortable and sensitive matter, specifically for seniors. It can lead to a wide variety of dilemmas, from skin sores to reduced socialization for people who are hesitant to leave home in case of an “accident.” Yet while urinary incontinence can affect upwards of 25 million individuals in the U.S. alone, the affliction seldom gets the attention and discussion it deserves. As a result of the lack of communication and information about senior incontinence, many older adults and caregivers feel as though there isn’t anything that can be done to bring relief. (more…)